Originally Posted by k1052
I was back in NY last week for a bit and walked 14th from Union Square to 9th Ave. The change is incredible. Trucks making deliveries easily, no traffic blocking pedestrian crossings, busses moved quickly. It was almost like a dream.
That the city doesn't immediately implement this on at least 34th and 42nd seems like a crime.
On a different subject why are sidewalk sheds slowly taking over the entirety of midtown even on buildings that clearly have no work being done or staged? I assume there is some very NY explanation for this. They are a real menace to pedestrian flow.
right on time -- the sheds make the post cover:
Devine: How the scourge of scaffolding is ruining New York City
By Miranda DevineDecember 1, 2019 | 10:36pm | Updated
The problem began in 1980, as a well-meaning response to a tragedy on the Upper West Side. Grace Gold, 17, a Barnard College student, was killed by a falling piece of masonry that came loose from a building at Broadway and West 115th Street.
The goal of Local Law 11, enacted the following year, was to prevent another such incident, but as usual, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
The worst offenders are rental buildings where landlords leave scaffolding in place indefinitely because the $1,200 a month it costs to rent the structure is cheaper than doing a $200,000 repair on the building.