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Old Posted Jan 28, 2009, 1:02 AM
zilfondel zilfondel is offline
Submarine de Nucléar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Missouri
Posts: 4,480
Question: would these radial routes be serviceable by at-grade light rail with their own right-of-way?

That way you could put some of the roads on a road diet and make them more pedestrian friendly. And light rail would be much more likely to be funded than a subway, capital costs being an order of magnitude lower. Also, if short hops in-city are what you're after, speed is actually less of an issue - although light rail is faster than a bus, especially when they have their own ROW.

Articulated vehicles have a higher capacity than the single-unit streetcars you are currently using.

It's also a great street-beautification project courtesy of the US Government.

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