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Old Posted May 27, 2021, 9:43 PM
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Two Bridges project opponents lose final appeal
State’s highest court declines to hear bid to stop four towers

May. 27, 2021
By Keith Larsen

The lengthy legal battle to prevent the construction of four massive towers in Two Bridges has come to an end.

The New York Court of Appeals declined to hear cases from two community groups to stop new development projects planned for the Lower Manhattan neighborhood.
A spokesperson for the developers said, “We appreciate the court’s review and look forward to delivering on those benefits.”

The community groups who brought the lawsuits claim they will keep fighting even though the court’s decision essentially ended any chance of stopping the projects in a courtroom.

“There’s not a single shovel in the ground,” the Lower East Side Organized Neighbors said in a statement. “It’s important for residents and supporters of our No Towers, No Compromise campaign to know that this is still not a done deal, and our fight against displacement is far from over.”

Trever Holland of Tenants United Fighting for the Lower East Side said, “Although we are incredibly disappointed by the court’s rejection of our request that they review the Appellate Division decision, we will continue to pursue all options to stop these towers.”
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