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Old Posted Jun 14, 2023, 5:59 PM
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Originally Posted by PurpleWhiteOut View Post
Technically that block wasn't part of the projects. It was similar to the UC Townhomes where it was subsidized private development whose contract ran out. The rest of them are PHA owned though
Ah ok, I knew they weren't all part of the same development specifically but figured they were set up the same. I used to live in the weird little neighborhood sandwiched between them, Liberties West I think it is/was called. Looking at geohistory that was actually housing projects before the Franklin/Marshall projects were, but at some point got developed back into private residential. The complex was a mixture of property managed and privately owned apartments and had like its own courtyards and off street parking, it was a weird little block.

My apartment there butted right up against Wallace St and I heard a few shootings in 2.5ish years, but a lot of the issues seemed mostly contained within the housing projects themselves.