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Old Posted Jun 7, 2023, 4:22 PM
homebucket homebucket is offline
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Originally Posted by eschaton View Post
The Upshot did a graphic on this back in 2014. At that time, 9% of Arizonans were born in California, versus 38% being born within the state.

The number of midwesterners was indeed greater overall than the number of Californians.
Originally Posted by Crawford View Post
It's anecdotal, but I hear a lot of white SD and OC households move to AZ, and you see them back in SD and OC beaches in the summer. My aunt vacates her beachfront neighborhood in the summer, when it gets inundated by people with AZ plates, and the streets are completely jammed.
It'd also be interesting to see if the Californians moving to Arizona are native born Californians or if they're transplanted Californians that were already from other states (ie the Midwest or East Coast). I'd wager it's more likely the latter, since it seems like Midwesterns in particular are drawn to Arizona as their final earthly destination.

Originally Posted by Crawford View Post
It's anecdotal, but I hear a lot of white SD and OC households move to AZ, and you see them back in SD and OC beaches in the summer. My aunt vacates her beachfront neighborhood in the summer, when it gets inundated by people with AZ plates, and the streets are completely jammed.
One of the former SF forumers (Pedestrian) pretty much did this. He would live in AZ for the winter and move back to SF for the summer. He was also an older, white, and non CA native retiree which seems to align with the demographic trends.
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