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Old Posted Feb 2, 2023, 4:41 PM
Rizzo Rizzo is offline
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It has an oil canned appearance like every other residential building. Go back a couple pages for a different view of the angled portion. Not that this really matters. Still looks nice to me.

Glass facades appear flat only when there’s nothing around it, or if there’s a near object like a mullion projection or fin which will reduce optical distortion in reflections. Since it’s taller than its neighbors and faces the park, the distortions aren’t apparent. Those elevations will appear perfectly flat.

This conversation appears in every glass tower thread, like there’s some specification paragraph for ultra flat glass. But distortions are just reality on a facade system this big, especially in a dynamic climate where the assembly needs to flex with temperatures.

Tower still looks great, but I’m skeptical of any considerations to make the glass any flatter than comparable cladding systems
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