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Old Posted Jan 25, 2023, 1:20 AM
Obadno Obadno is offline
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Originally Posted by 202_Cyclist View Post
All of these 4 - 7 floor buildings popping up in towns and cities across the country largely do look the same but we desperately need new housing and we need more walkable communities, which this type of housing is helping with. They are also better than vacant lots or surface parking, which in a lot of locations is what existed previously.

America, the Bland
Across the country, new developments are starting to look the same, raising fears that cities are losing their unique charm. But in the current housing crisis, does that matter?

Jan. 20, 2023
New York Times

"Charles Mudede was at the Post Pike Bar in Seattle in November, nursing a glass of white wine and having a heated discussion about a topic he felt strongly about: the state of new development in the city.

Last year, residential construction in Seattle hit a record high with over 13,000 units built, according to data from Seattle in Progress, an organization that tracks construction. Mr. Mudede, 53, who has lived in the city for 30 years, was expressing his distaste for some of those “architectural abominations.”

“What’s that new building?” he asked the bartender. “It’s an apartment building, but they put some bright blue, splashy thing on its facade..."
Hard hitting 15 years too late reporting
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