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Old Posted Jan 8, 2023, 3:53 PM
bhawk66 bhawk66 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 522
^ The Bears may be a sinking ship in Chicago, but Soldier Field isn't going anywhere. Question is, is it viable to carry through with these plans without the Bears 6 games a year (plus maybe a couple more)? I'd have to think with a dome and all that transit the answer could still be a resounding YES. With year round events including major concerts, NCAA events, major conventions, etc., etc., it's conceivable the Park District would reap in more without a dome and the Bears still playing there than with a dome and the Bears not playing there.

Not only that, once built, it'd be way more tempting for the NFL to grant a new franchise to Chicago. If NY and LA can have two teams and Florida (3), California (3), and Texas (2) all having multiple teams, why shouldn't third largest city in the US (for now, says Houston) have two teams.
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