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Old Posted Nov 22, 2022, 5:28 AM
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Posts: 61
I think you're looking into things much too extremely. Renders are used as a tool to visualize what is possible, not what is final or actually planned.

The Luxigon render with the trees is the accurate render atm because it also shows the transit elevator behind the trees that is located on the east side of the building. All variant plans of the complex also always show trees lining Greenwich St. The venting in the base is also still visible in this render. The sidewalk is no less wider than the East sidewalk of Greenwich St in front of 3 & 4 WTC, the latter which has trees planted in front of it. I'd also point out that the sun moves, the renders are taken from after noon when it is in the west, the east face of the building is lit up before then and receives perfect sunlight so I thought that was a strange reasoning to use as to there not being any trees in one of the renders.

The flagpole in the video is probably for show.

Construction at/of 2 WTC wouldn't affect anything in the timeline or progression of this project. You can't use the situation with One WTC because there is a shared plaza between them not a street as there is with 2 WTC. The east entrance and plaza at One WTC couldn't be completed until the temporary North entrance to the VSC was removed and when it was removed, Covid stunted further progress on the plaza until a few months later in 2020.
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