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Old Posted Sep 19, 2022, 9:32 PM
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Klippenstein Klippenstein is offline
Rust Belt Motherland
Join Date: Apr 2021
Location: Chicago, IL
Posts: 782
On a different note, I really wonder with all the elevation changes on the site if it will make it more or less human scale. On one hand, hiding half the parking below street level will make Jefferson a better experience on foot (even with the giant parking garage). On the other hand, Jefferson could just turn into an auto sewer. I'm still trying to imagine the pedestrian experience going North on the new extension of Jefferson from Grand. Especially before phase 2 (the 3 buildings along River) is completed the approach from Grand is probably going to be pretty barren. On top of that they're saying there will be bike infrastructure. I really hope they're intentional about incorporating pedestrians and bikes with sufficient and separate infrastructure in this Southern portion of Jefferson so it doesn't just extend the kind of subpar pedestrian/biking experience that already exists on that part of Grand.
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