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Old Posted Aug 24, 2022, 7:21 PM
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Originally Posted by ardecila View Post
I think the dome will become a sticking point. Even with the other real estate opportunities, the Bears probably can't afford to build a dome with their own money, especially when Chicago has some of the country's highest construction costs.

They may try to present politicians with a choice: a barebones stadium that is only active for 9 home games a year, or a domed stadium that can host Super Bowls and Final Fours.

Personally I don't give a crap if we host those events or not - there is now so much competition from warm-weather cities and other cities with domes that Chicago would only get the event every 20 years at best. I hope our leaders will also resist this temptation... if the Bears want a dome, they should pay for one out of pocket or not at all.

100%. The state should not subsidize the Bears leaving its biggest city for the suburbs. I suppose the Bears could use scare tactics like threatening to leave the state, but the cat is out of the bag and everyone knows they want to go to AH so that tactic wouldn't work.

If the Bears don't want a dome, then let them spend a billion+ dollars building a stadium that, much like Soldier Field in 2002, will be obsolete the moment it opens. They would be idiots to repeat the same mistake twice, but given the teams they have been fielding as of late, maybe they actually are
"Eventually, I think Chicago will be the most beautiful great city left in the world." -Frank Lloyd Wright
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