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Old Posted Jun 6, 2022, 2:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Justin7 View Post
It's not about time or money. A Mod could just tag the thread and have it show up here.

The same thing goes for projects under 10 (or 12 or whatever stories) that get that have their threads culled so that every project that's not a "Skyscraper" gets thrown together in general dev even if it's a large or important project.

There are just arbitrary rules that make the forum less useful. I'm not sure who decides these things or what would happen if one of the Philly mods just decided to run things better. Would a supermod come down from on high and blow up the forum?
I was told ages ago that we literally cannot tag the Transit or Politics threads, but I'll look into it.

As for projects under 10 stories, this website is called skyscraperpage. It's not our rule, it's the website's.

Edit: I researched into how most city comps on this website don't have non-construction threads in their subforums... with the notable exception of San Antonio and Austin. This is because the Philly compilation is just that: a compilation. San Antonio's seems to be a dedicated subforum within the website (447).

In order to tag the Transportation Thread/Politics Thread/Anything else as Philadelphia, we'd need to petition the admins of this website to create a new Philadelphia subforum, and then move all of the existing threads into that subforum. What you are asking for cannot be done in its current configuration.

Genuine question though: beyond that, what could I or Summers be doing better? I've only been Mod for a little while, and this was the first time I ever really acted on that authority. What would you like to see out of this mod team?
Philadelphia Transportation Thread:

Last edited by mcgrath618; Jun 6, 2022 at 3:11 PM.