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Old Posted Jun 2, 2022, 7:12 PM
Highwayman Highwayman is offline
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Originally Posted by esquire View Post
^ On that note, North American cities are not headed in a positive direction. It seems that things like poverty, homelessness and disorder have moved from being marginal characteristics to defining characteristics. Things have gotten way worse over the last 30 years in just about every city I can think of, and the last few years have seen the process accelerate even more.

At the rate that socioeconomic stratification is speeding up, can it be long before we start seeing South American-style favelas start to emerge in formerly neat and tidy North American cities? People have to live somewhere, and now that we're firmly in the territory of $250,000 starter homes in supposedly one of the most affordable housing markets in the country, something's gotta give.
I was watching a few documentaries on poverty in California and it was horrible. Streets lined with people in campers and cars and vans and tents. All these people were once home owners and now homeless. It's a pretty eye opener for an area in California that wasn't a bad area 10 years ago. But goes to show homelessness isn't just for the poor or drug addicts etc. You or me can end up homeless just as easy.
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