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Old Posted Jun 1, 2022, 12:55 PM
Crawford Crawford is offline
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Originally Posted by Innsertnamehere View Post
Toronto is starting to feel that crush again too - the commuter flows out of Union are starting to look like a crush of people like it was pre-covid. Still not nearly as many people overall, but it's not dead like it was last year.
I was in Toronto the last week (wedding and business), and it seemed pretty "normal". I was expecting a slightly more muted situation than in U.S. given Canada's greater Covid precautions, but never masked the entire trip. I stayed in Yorkville, and it was actually packed last weekend. And the lakefront was pretty crowded. I think the nice weather played a role, though.

I'm still not clear if masks are required in Uber and transit facilities like Union Station, but in any case, there was minimal compliance.

A few differences - the office buildings I entered were ghost towns, which isn't the case in the U.S. anymore. Maybe WFH or Hybrid is somewhat more common? Also, the underground PATH network still seems like a weekday ghost town, and is frequently disconnected, with buildings shutting down connections, making the network less than useful. The financial district is still really quiet, even on Monday/Tuesday.
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