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Old Posted Feb 5, 2022, 8:23 PM
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Steely Dan Steely Dan is online now
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Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
We're two years in and people know whether they love it or hate it. What was your lifestyle/workstyle before pre-pandemic and what do you envision it to be after the pandemic?
i had a regular old 9-5 M-F office job pre-pandemic.

I got laid-off pretty early on in the shit of 1st lockdown.

for now, i've just been freelancing work on a project by project basis out of my home.

but i really don't like WFH. i'd much rather be in an office environment. at least some of the time. it might sound corny, but i kinda miss working with other people, face to face, in the same room, bouncing ideas around. creativity just seems to spark better between people when you're physically with them than it does over a virtual meeting. at least it does for me.

however, with two young kids and all of the unrelenting bullshit of remote "learning" over the past 2 years, the notion of going back to a rigid 9-5 M-F office job now seems a little absurd.

if i had some level of confidence that remote "learning" was now officially in our rearview mirror, i'd start looking for a conventional "real" job outside the home, but with the way all of this stupid covid BS keeps creeping back at us every. single. fucking. time. i think it's "over", i feel sorta stuck in this in-between limbo.

Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
Did you live in a city before pandemic and take public transit to work?
Did you live in a suburb before the pandemic and take public transit to work?
Did you mostly drive to work before the pandemic?
i lived in a city neighborhood pre-pandemic and still live in the same home now. my old office job was in an inner-ring suburb (evanston) and i was a pretty committed, 4-season bike commuter (~8 miles one-way), though i did occasionally take transit to work on the stupidly brutal winter days with -15 windchills and/or a foot of freshly fallen snow.

one of the reasons i'd like to get back to a "real" job with a commute is because i really, REALLY, REALLY do miss bike commuting. sure, i can go out and ride my bike any old time i want to now, but it's just not the same. particularly on these winter days. back when i HAD to be at work, i just manned the fuck up and got on my bike and rode to work. but now that i don't HAVE to be anywhere, ever, it's way too easy to make excuses.
"Missing middle" housing can be a great middle ground for many middle class families.

Last edited by Steely Dan; Feb 5, 2022 at 11:53 PM.
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