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Old Posted Jan 17, 2022, 7:16 PM
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someone123 someone123 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Vancouver
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One thing I find pretty interesting is the variation between commentary in different places like between Canadian provinces vs. the US vs. UK.

We had a lower bar for implementing vaccine "passports" and nobody's really asking what the point is given that there's little impact of 2 doses on transmission right now. The reality is that it was a "stick" to encourage more people to be vaccinated. Testing and prior acquired immunity were never accepted here as an alternative to vaccination.

Our overall fully vaccinated rate is around 80% (including ineligible) which is a target that people in some other places say will bring them back to normal. Eligible adults are around 93% vaccinated. We still have people here arguing that "the unvaccinated" are driving our problems (most of the unvaccinated are 0-11 year olds).

For NS (another province) I still see news articles about say a party of 11 young people getting thousands of dollars in fines for assembling. If there is a single covid death usually there will be some kind of official comment. The population there is 1 million. They have had 117 covid deaths during the whole pandemic, with most being in old age homes.

I certainly think it's possible for people to be on the "not taking it seriously end" end of the spectrum but by and large that's not where we are in Canada.

PS our federal debt to GDP when up by 20 percentage points during the pandemic so far.
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