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Old Posted Jan 5, 2022, 9:58 PM
RST500 RST500 is offline
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Glenn Loury: We Need Asian Migrants to Offset Loser Americans:

"The U.S. government should import more Asian workers because Americans are mediocre laggards, says Glenn Loury, a professor at Brown University.

“I think we need these [Asian] people,” Loury said in a December 20 conversation with Amy Wax, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Loury continued:

Let them come. I mean, in fact, that’s the only way we’re going to survive the challenge of the Chinese behemoth going forward another generation or two, because if I look at what’s going on in the legacy population — white and black — of the United States of America, I see a lot of mediocrity, I see a lot of laggardliness, I see a lot of decay and corruption and so forth, of people not realizing the full human potential … I don’t know what the alternative is."