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Old Posted Dec 16, 2021, 9:38 AM
galleyfox galleyfox is offline
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Originally Posted by Toasty Joe View Post
130 N Franklin - like this site - would be a great spot for a non-blue glass supertall to break up "the wall"

This site sits on top of our two busiest train lines and, if tall enough, would boast amazing panoramic views of our skyline, lake, sunsets, and basically another city's worth of buildings rise in West Loop. It could be the One Vanderbilt of Chicago. I'm sure a well-thought mixed use scheme could've done very well here also.

I'm not the biggest fan of the building to begin with, but appreciate its postmodern campiness as a relic of its time. Unfortunately looks like that will be renovated.
Patience is a virtue. One of the things that makes Chicago architecture so notable is not so much that individual buildings are the greatest of the era, but that there are multiple styles spanning decades coexisting in close proximity.

I’m no fan of the Thompson Center, and I think the adulation for it is overwrought, but it’s hardly a blight on the neighborhood. The average office building, especially a government office building, will generate more traffic than the tallest condominium, so it’s not like the space is being misappropriated.

The prospect of a One Vanderbilt design is not so thrilling that any of us should lament a Thompson Center renovation. If in the year 2100, vanity offices are back in vogue, no problem, there will still be prime locations in the Loop available.
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