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Old Posted Nov 19, 2021, 1:44 AM
3rd&Brown 3rd&Brown is offline
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Originally Posted by Londonee View Post
I emailed PENNDOT and asked years ago why our highways and off-ramps are routinely covered in piles of sh*t. Nothing says welcome to this world class city like litter-strewn roadways….

Anyways, their response - and I’m paraphrasing a bit - was something like: 50% of their annual highway sweeping budget goes to the Philadelphia-area, despite the Philadelphia Area only representing like 2% of the total road area/length that they are responsible for.

Now, there’s a million things wrong with this logic - but I also do blame the city for not screaming at the top of their lungs about this at the state level. At the end of the day, it’s our city that looks like sh*t and the bureaucrats responsible live 150 miles west and don’t give a flying fu#$.
I remember reading an article stating something to this effect.

Here's the thing. I DON'T BELIEVE IT.

Where are the receipts? Where are these elusive street cleaners? Literally, there have been a few sightings in YEARS and they're like we spend half our budget on the Philly area.

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