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Old Posted Jul 21, 2021, 1:53 PM
the urban politician the urban politician is offline
The City
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Chicago region
Posts: 21,375
In the US, now, some Governors (particularly in States like Illinois) are sounding the alarm that .....................GASP.............................positive case rates are rising!!!

"We might have to bring mitigations back!!!" says fuckface JB Pritzker

Let me break this down logically:

1. You end all mitigation efforts
2. Obviously, case rates will rise. THIS IS EXPECTED. Let me repeat: THIS IS EXPECTED. People are dining, going to games, having parties---ie living--again.
3. Stop panicking over #2. More people will now die because dolts will be dolts and will refuse the vaccine, but vast majority of deaths will be among the unvaccinated.
4. Let the vaccinated live their life again if you want to have the slightest hope of getting them to comply with a booster shot in the future.
5. COVID will be mutating forever. And ever. And ever. And ever. Get over it, we are never going to defeat it, and will only be defeating civilization as we know it by imposing these destructive top-down measures

I'm sure I convinced nobody with this post, but rant over....
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