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Old Posted Apr 18, 2021, 11:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Bonsai Tree View Post
^^^ I completely disagree. Even if we decouple the Obama Library from the equation, there is a need for a direct route to Jackson Park. The Metra Electric line works, but it's still expensive and out of the way for most people. International tourists like easy methods of travel, and I can't find an easier way to get to Hyde Park than be the green line, even taking into account direct bus routes. There IS a fundamental need for the Green line to be extended back to Jackson Park. Although, I'd say just putting the old L back up is sufficient. Nothing fancy, no subway, etc. I find it hard to believe that a bus line (especially with how abysmal CTA bus numbers have been) is somehow a good replacement for a Green line extension. Maybe your logic would work a decade or two ago, but with ride-share and other impacts, making huge investments in buses (unless it's BRT) makes literally no sense. Better to invest in something that can out-compete other options, like a Green Line extension.
As of right now, the ME is cheaper than the L in the city due to the Cook County Pilot ( , 59th and 63rd street are Zone B).
And here the air that I breathe isn't dead.
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