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Old Posted Sep 21, 2020, 2:39 PM
allovertown allovertown is offline
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Originally Posted by thoughtcriminal View Post
well if they don't, this financial crisis will get worse because more business, especially small businesses, will go under. Not all just because of taxes, but lowering taxes could certainly make the difference between closing and staying open for some businesses. Certainly lowering taxes will help.
And maybe the city should do some things on their end, like cutting some spending.
Please do tell. What would you like to cut from the budget?

Budget shortfall is approaching one billion dollars out of a five billion dollar budget. And you want to cut taxes. Which would increase that shortfall even further. So you should really get ready to do some serious cutting.

I'm all for cutting the police budget, but even the entire police budget is only about three quarters of a billion dollars, and I gotta say, maybe accuse me of not being bold enough, but I think entirely eliminating the police would probably be a mistake. So, what then? Maybe eliminate trash pick up? Close half the city's schools? Eliminate the Fire Department?

Oh not that stuff? You mean the wasteful stuff? Like funding for the arts? Hmm. Don't think 1.25 million in funding for the arts is going to get you very far.

Seems like cutting a billion plus dollars from the budget will be pretty tough, but hey, I'm open to suggestions.

Small businesses will be hurt by this, but unfortunately Philly is no position to offer any relief. Not that tax relief would be enough to save most struggling small businesses right now anyway. Philly has to fund every penny in their budget, and it is struggling to pay for the essentials right now even before you consider a tax cut. Only the federal government is capable of borrowing money to pay for the kind of relief that small businesses, not just in Philadelphia, but across the country need right now, and unfortunately they've been entirely derelict in their duties. Does not change the fact that Philadelphia cutting taxes right now is a fantasy.