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Old Posted Jan 30, 2021, 3:35 PM
iamrobk iamrobk is offline
Future World Dictator
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Originally Posted by TonyTone View Post
Who was the other contender against Kenney?
Anthony Williams was the other main contender. But what's interesting is that Kenney's entire staff and support network came from Ken Trujillo's campaign after he dropped out (he's said it was due to family reasons; I've heard its because an immediate family member had a medical issue, FWIW). Had Trujillo not dropped out, it's extremely likely he would have won that election. Kenney was basically forced into running because Trujillo and the people backing him had built such an extensive network that then needed a candidate to actually run, and Kenney was who they decided on.

This isn't meant to be for or against anyone in particular, FWIW, I just think it's interesting how much little events like this can change the future.