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Old Posted Jan 23, 2021, 5:58 PM
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Originally Posted by yuriandrade View Post
Detroit might be a particular case with the 2008 crisis, but those +4% while the US as a whole is heading to a -4%, is promising nonetheless.

Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Buffalo are solidly rebounding though.
Uh no, Crawford is projecting as usual. Economic crisis doesn't guarantee later growth and all those other cities went through the same things if not identical to metro Detroit.

Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Buffalo rebounding? Those metros lost population, albeit by 1% instead of 3%. But still, this is "solid" opposed to metro Detroit's actual (extremely modest) growth? Pittsburgh city and Cuyahoga county also keep losing people and I might be wrong but I don't think I saw their numbers showing a trend in slowing the losses.

But I do agree they seem to be going in the right direction at least in regional population. And I don't think they're as vulnerable to the covid crisis which seems to be hitting coastal/transient/expensive metros a lot harder.
Spawn of questionable parentage!
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