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Old Posted Nov 30, 2020, 9:55 PM
lio45 lio45 is offline
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Originally Posted by hipster duck View Post
Nitpicking here, but as you and lio defined it - Quebecois are an ethnic group in the "old world" vein: language, ancestry.

So, Mexico and Jamaica: yes.

Australia: no.

If "Australian" is an ethnic group, then "Manitoban" is.
(Anglo-) Australian is an ethnic group, I'd say.

Just like "Old Stock Anglo-Canadian" is an ethnic group.

Or like "Manitoba Métis" is an ethnic group.

I hadn't given this any thought until now but my ex-gf has been living in Australia for many years and is now fluent in English. But she's not Australian yet, in my view. And I don't think she'd consider herself "Australian". Again, that's not a bad thing... it's just the facts.

On the other hand, "Manitoban", "Montrealer", "Torontonian", "Parisian", "Oklahoman", "Provençal", "Belgian", "Austrian", etc. aren't actually ethnic groups in my view. (Even though the latter two match the borders of countries.)
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