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Old Posted Nov 13, 2020, 1:16 AM
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Scott Charles Scott Charles is offline
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Posts: 496
Originally Posted by CityBoyDoug View Post
Scott Charles has been hating on me for years. There is a ton of hate on this thread occasionally....sad to say. Scott brings it to a new low level of his personal ugliness.
Why don't you link us all to these “hateful comments” I've been making about you “for years”? Oh, that's right - because they DON'T EXIST. Paranoia, much?

I haven't even been here “for years”, but in the months I have been present I've seen you instigate countless fights with other forum members. I've watched you make rude and sarcastic remarks against E_R. You NEVER stop playing the victim. And I've seen you try to inject your unwanted political opinions, in spite of being warned to knock it off, over and over and over again.

You NEVER get a clue. And you are the ONLY person on this forum who acts this way.

I've held my tongue every time you've gone out of your way to baselessly attack some forum member I admire and respect. They're all far more intelligent and mature than you could ever be, and don't require my help.

But when you start PUBLICLY BRAGGING ABOUT BEATING AND POISONING HARMLESS AND DEFENSELESS ANIMALS, I can hold my tongue no longer. YOU'RE NUCKING FUTS. And for stating that, I make no apology.


E_R, my apologies to you if I'm out of line - if you feel I deserve it, I will gladly accept any punishment you feel is fitting.
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