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Old Posted Oct 14, 2020, 12:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Visionist View Post
It's hilarious how quickly people adjust to the new normal, those who proclaim to hate change fastest of all.
They'll adjust. One thing about the New York skyline, it's constantly growing. It's never done. That's something people don't realize. We are witnessing the greatest change in the history of the city's skyline, which has now spread well beyond Manhattan's borders into Queens, Brooklyn, and even New Jersey, all with skylines larger than many American cities. It's what allows New York to keep growing. The city recognized this, and its why the rezonings for the Hudson Yards, the east side, and downtown Brooklyn and Long Island City were put into place. It's what the NIMBYs don't grasp, and never will. The City is never "finished".
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