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Old Posted Oct 8, 2020, 5:25 AM
Rooted Arborial Rooted Arborial is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 111
There is no such thing as "the best museum." Every museum I have visited ( and I have visited many museums across the U.S. and in France) has been an opportunity

to focus on their strengths, their quirkiness, and to overlook their weaknesses. Often, it has been something UNexpected has turned out to be a cherished memory.

One time, in Paris, I had to sit and cry because I was so moved, but I will not say where that was and I know that I was the only one there at that time who

was so moved. The building was not a major destination and it became more of a backdrop.

I am thankful for all of them. They have almost always renewed my ability to appreciate our diversity, our history, and our planet.

Don't focus on someone's idea of "best." Explore for yourself. Allow yourself to find your moments of transforming experiences and be beyond other people's

expectations. I have carried that baggage and it is an obstacle.

On a lighter note - For so long, I heard that the Mona Lisa was "smaller than expected." When I first saw it, I was surprised that it was larger than I expected!

I guess all of those opinions were shrinking it over the years.
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