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Old Posted Oct 17, 2019, 7:37 PM
Vlajos Vlajos is offline
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Originally Posted by ardecila View Post
This was a building proposed by The Resurrection Project. It's 100% affordable housing, but the neighbors said it "looked like gentrification" so they came out in force against it. Then the developer chopped a floor off and switched from black to red brick, and nobody was really any happier...

I guess they'd be fine if the developer planned to build 4 3-flats, but then we'd only get 12 units of affordable housing instead of 37, and no elevator to make it easier for disabled people and seniors. I wish our leaders were honest with the community about the trade-offs in any development project, and the need to grow the housing supply, instead of selling the fiction that there's a "magic bullet" to gentrification that will keep everybody in their apartments forever with perfect maintenance and no rent increases. No alderman is really great at explaining these trade-offs, but Pawar did a decent job when he was alderman.

Supposedly the developer is teaming up with Skender to do this with modular construction, but I'll believe it when I see it. More likely it ends up being conventional construction.
Lol, what the hell do they want? TRP is a decent affordable housing developer. Things are getting crazy stupid in Chicago.
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