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Old Posted Oct 14, 2019, 2:35 PM
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Originally Posted by skysoar View Post
Just asking, but does any city allow one man such as Brendan Reilly to have that much power and authority over their Downtowns development. Tribune annex, old spire site, LSE all have had to jump through his hoops, and I believe several other developments that have been jettisoned. I was hoping that we were beyond his excessive scrutiny.
I'm not sure about the other developments but it seems the spire site just needed some tweaks, he didn't outright reject the whole thing. I don't think he had a problem with the height either, and hopefully won't with Tribune East.

As far as the article chicubs111 posted, it seems Reilly himself is optimistic, so that's good.

I agree though about one person having so much power, should really be an entire committee