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Old Posted Sep 24, 2019, 5:08 PM
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chris08876 chris08876 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Riverview Estates Fairway (PA)
Posts: 46,112
Chicago is a great destination for a field trip for Architecture students. If anything, its a must in the curriculum.

Kinda like Mecca and Medina, every architect should go to at least Chicago and NYC once in their lifetimes. Praying is optional, but recommended.

Just stay clear of the devil, the Kaufmans of the world. Some architecture is not meant to be seen, and can open Pandoras box if a future architect follow the footsteps of the devil. I'm sure Chicago has its terrible architects out there that mass produce budget developments with little creativity.

Originally Posted by JManc View Post
I disagree with his assessment about Chicago; Sears, JHC and now Trump all have prominent spires/ antennae. Houston however, severely is lacking in this area.
Hopefully one day the spire/mast conversation will reopen at the CTBUH. The masts on JHC and Sears should count towards the overall height. They are an integral part of the design IMO, and those towers without the masts would lose character.
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