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Old Posted Sep 8, 2019, 9:05 AM
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Originally Posted by megadude View Post
I only very casually follow tennis these days, not like 15+ years ago. Still not gonna jump right back in the deep end but at least we have her to captivate us. Will be watching her super closely now. Very refreshing to have an individual athlete at the top their game in an individual sport with such a high profile. Ya, Weir comes to mind. Jaccques Villeneuve captured my imagination for those few years.

I'm proud her or any Canadian that makes it big, but especially hometown kids. She trains 15 minutes away from home and just down the street from my wife's work.

I hope she gets a celebration at Square One Celebration Square. They were going to host a viewing party there but it was already booked. Hope they do this and get some good vibes unlike that right wing tool last week filming himself at muslim fest asking sikh politicians if they support sharia law.
What? Why would Donald Trump go to Muslim Fest?

Great post. Lol.
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