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Old Posted Jul 18, 2019, 1:31 AM
galleyfox galleyfox is offline
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Everybody is jumping the gun here.

These aren't the only finalists. The city casino is going to be privately owned, and the private operator, after consultation with the analysts and reviewing their study, will have a major say in the site decision. The study that will be released on Aug. 12 has to see whether the casino under the current terms is even economically viable at all, much less where it will go.

This is political theater to show the South and West sides that the city made every possible effort to move jobs closer to them. Also to see whether these neighborhoods even want a casino at all if they were to be chosen, or if they'll try to fight it.

It may very well be that Illinois residents going to Indiana are a more reliable source of revenue than conventioners. Or that rent and parking make a Downtown casino uncompetitive among other issues.
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