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Old Posted Aug 11, 2004, 4:07 PM
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FlyersFan118 FlyersFan118 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: NE Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 3,190
I only have SC3KU, and I would love to see more space for building. All you have is roughly 100 sq. mi, and that is nothing. New York is over 400 sq. mi, and Philly is over 135 sq. mi. There is not enough space, and in most of my cities on there, I have over 1,000,000 people and no space to put them. And on top of that, the streets are always clogged, and I had to re-rout the whole Subway system to un-clog the streets.

That and more landmarks and a better BAP would rule.


And repeated buildings are retarded, because then you end up seeing the same building(s) all over your city. I keep getting that filthy ugly brown Arbor Plaza all over my cities and I hate it. I normally BAP new buildings to replace them, mostly hotels.
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