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Old Posted Feb 9, 2019, 2:13 AM
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NYguy NYguy is offline
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I don't know how people feel about what type of design should go here, whether it should be a very tall tower, or whether it should fall somewhere in the middle between Chrysler and Vanderbilt. But looking at the site, and the programming, I'm guessing it will be higher than Vandy. So, from just that standpoint alone, what type of tower should rise here? Should it be a box? I say no, especially with the Chase tower and the proposed Tower Fifth looking to move on the skyline.

I think this will be a slender (not like the superslim towers on 57th) tower that either steps back or is tapered as it rises. How it meets the street level is a real question, but I'm guessing it could be set back from 42nd Street or Lexington Ave, possibly saving more of the profile of the Chrysler Building.

I'm just throwing out some random designs, maybe someone will photoshop them onto the site to give us an idea of how a tower of some height would fit in basically...


International Center

Greenland Tower
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