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Old Posted Mar 7, 2018, 8:19 PM
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Originally Posted by esquire View Post
An astute local blogger pointed out a few years back that is more an effect than a cause of the situation. Portage Place simply doesn't bring in the money to justify a renovation.
I guess for me it is a bit of a chicken and egg thing here - spend money to make money. If the mall made consistent renovations maybe the retailers would have stayed (i understand not all of them) - if more retailers stayed maybe the mall could afford more elaborate renovations.

I just feel the complete lack on any upgrades at all over 30 years helped in losing most of the customers and retailers.
"But a city can be smothered by too much reverence for its past. The skyline must keep acquiring new peaks, because the day we consider it complete and untouchable is the day the city begins to die." - Justin Davidson - May 2010 Issue of New York
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