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Old Posted Sep 26, 2017, 2:01 AM
chicubs111 chicubs111 is offline
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Not sure if someone should open a chicago amazon thread...but to continue it really seems Chicago is the perfect fit compared to all the competition...there is literally only about 4 cities on the list that are in my opinion considered "world class cities" and they are NY, Boston, Philly, DC... the rest are second tier..very nice cities but not really on a global scale... of those cities I dont see any that can compete with Chicago for what amazon is looking for... we have the central location so strategically its the best choice... .the affordability (relative to east coast cities and even seattle) ...transit (second best in country).. multiple sites that meet there requirement (like 3 or 4 solid contenders they can choose from), the population that far exceeds all there needs, the vibrancy and vitality that really only NYC really has
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