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Old Posted Oct 27, 2015, 4:05 PM
Near North Resident Near North Resident is offline
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Originally Posted by SamInTheLoop View Post
^ Great news about the movement on Gino's. You know you're back in a true boom when you have instances of towers going up contemporaneously directly across the street from one another (seems like a half-decent chance Gino's and Debevic's may see first caisson within a month or so of each other.....if not, I'd certainly think less than 2 months).......

^ On the new Union/Halsted proposal, I was heartened when I first read this is actually a new/different developer..........and then of course came the total crash on your news that this is once again the toxic design team (see The Hensley - yes, that's right, that bloody beige abortion on Wells is a P/H!!) of George Pappageorge (if your surname is Pappageorge, why tf would you name your kid "George"?!, but I digress) and David Haymes. Sure, K2 isn't that bad, but let's face if, for P/H that's about as good as it will get. It's like this developer from California is some design-averse know-nothing who just went door-to-door around the K Station area when looking for an architect to select: "Excuse me, but who did your tower?", "Hi, I'm so-and-so from California!, may I ask who did your design work here? I just love it!" and (all this being stated, I suppose I should wait for the first renderings by next week - but f that!)
P/H designed those Basecamp townhomes, I think they look pretty nice, their skyscrapers are crap for the most part even though I like Hubbard Place
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