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Old Posted Jul 17, 2015, 5:29 PM
SamInTheLoop SamInTheLoop is offline
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Originally Posted by Notyrview View Post
At this point I hope they do a complete redesign in the direction of Salesforce tower in SF.

Agreed. If PCP does turn out to indeed be the actual design architect of the S Tower, it needs a redo. Let's get completely rid of this pomo(ish) 'flair'. We're past that silliness.

They do have the ability to design some very nice facades. I believe Salesforce will turn out to be a good example. But one doesn't have to look far in San Francisco to find the ultimate example of this from PCP - the fantastic 560 Mission - which is a crown jewel in Pelli's portfolio. This is where they should be looking for inspiration from their own work.

Let's be clear though - this new rendering of the south tower design is a clear downgrade from the earlier design......if it's a choice between the two, the earlier version wins in a landslide (obviously ideally, that version would have some definite refinement......)
It's simple, really - try not to design or build trash.