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Old Posted May 6, 2015, 3:41 PM
Crawford Crawford is offline
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Originally Posted by Ant131531 View Post
Whites are earning more in Atlanta than cities like Seattle, NYC,Chicago, etc...This is the result of massive gentrification in Atlanta and blacks who gain the opportunity to leave the city limits and move to the suburbs. The poorest blacks are left behind and high earning whites move into the city hence the high income disparity.
No, it's beause you aren't comparing apples to apples. Atlanta (proper) is a black city.

The city of Atlanta is tiny, and the white population in the city of Atlanta is tinier still. You're basically comparing suburban Buckhead and a few gentrified in-town blocks with entire cities. There are no working class or even middle class white areas in Atlanta proper.

Obviously a rich suburb and a few yuppie condos will have higher median incomes than millions of people in entire cities.
Originally Posted by Ant131531 View Post
Remember, Detroit happened because whites left the city, not move into it and the collapse of the auto industry.
Not really. The collapse of the auto industry, yes, but not really the racial changes, which were actually at their height when the region was booming. Detroit, unlike Atlanta has working class, in-town white neighborhoods, so obviously will have lower medians. SW Detroit is, for the most part, a white neighborhood, since forever.

I don't see how any of this is relevant in the overall metro area context, though.
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