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Old Posted May 3, 2015, 5:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Mr Downtown View Post
Marshall Field wasn't allowed to build a museum. The South Park Commission was. Field had been dead for five years when new parkland was created for a building owned and controlled by the Commission—not by a private entity.

The new law isn't about the current navigability of land in Burnham Park. It's about whether the Park District is allowed to give parkland to a private entity.

As for slippery slopes, we need only look at what we've already traded parkland for: a monster convention center, a dozen different public schools (nothing remains of Hanson Park), a private school, and a private school sports field.
The Field Museum was built 1' outside of Grant Park in Burnham Park. Yes, McCormick Place is built in the park, but it wasn't built on a 'parking lot', which is where the Lucas Museum would go. Land, that 20 years ago was still parking and squished in between northbound and southbound lanes.

This private entity would be used for public benefit. The Field Museum may be owned and controlled by the Commission, but it was built with private monies. There's nothing that says the same deal couldn't be made with the Lucas Museum.
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