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Old Posted Apr 9, 2015, 10:16 PM
emathias emathias is offline
Adoptive Chicagoan
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Location: River North, Chicago, Illinois
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Originally Posted by marothisu View Post
I think the problem is that cities near Chicago do not have as much of a cool factor than some cities on the East and West Coasts. Milwaukee, St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Detroit and even Minneapolis are not in the same league as Boston, DC, Los Angeles, San Diego, and even Philadelphia.

And while true, I don't think you can fault Chicago with that itself. Everyone is different though so not everyone wants to visit a DC type of city all the time and is fine with Door County. However, I'd bet that the "majority" rules the other way.
I think St. Louis is as cool or cooler than San Diego and in some ways could hold its own against Philly. Heck, I dislike Indianapolis and I think it's in the same league as San Diego once you're past the beaches (and LA has beaches, so people don't really go from LA to SD for beaches). Indy doesn't have Tijuana, though, I'll give you that.

Originally Posted by Steely Dan View Post
true enough, but cheeselandia and those hoosier dingleberries started all of this interstate job-poaching nonsense in the first place. it's not in chicago's DNA to back down from a fight.

"You wanna get Indiana? Here's how you get him. He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue! That's the Chicago way, and that's how you get Indiana!"
I saw that movie and if I remember right, things don't turn out well for Indianalphonse ...
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