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Old Posted Feb 5, 2015, 6:46 PM
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Hudson Heights Slow Zone Would Lower Speed Limit to 20 MPH

The streets of Hudson Heights will get a makeover with lower speed limits, new signage, additional speed bumps and a new crosswalk under a plan to improve pedestrian safety in the area.

The neighborhood would officially be designated a slow zone under a proposal from the Department of Transportation that would reduce speed limits to 20 mph in the area running between the Henry Hudson Parkway and Broadway from 179th Street to Fort Tryon Park.

In addition, the Bennett Avenue entrance to the 190th Street A train station would get a long-awaited crosswalk with a stop sign.

The decision to create a slow zone came after the Hudson Heights Owners Coalition advocated for the changes, with support from Community Board 12, the 34th Precinct and several elected officials. The DOT acknowledged that the area had a high number of injuries from collisions, including one fatality, two severely injured pedestrians and four severely injured vehicle occupants from 2007 to 2015.

The DOT plans to install 22 speed bumps in the area, including two on Overlook Terrace, a hilly street where residents complain about cars and cyclists racing. There would also be 12 “gateways” at intersections on the outer edges of the designated area featuring signs explaining the rules of the slow zone.
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