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Old Posted Jul 9, 2014, 5:35 AM
DePaul Bunyan DePaul Bunyan is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 460
Originally Posted by Kngkyle View Post
Not sure how I feel about the design. I think it would be better as two tall sections on each side. Something more like this... (quick job to give the idea)

Perhaps cut the height of the middle section in half as well.
I love the height, but the massing is off. I would like to see more detailed renders, but I think that the tall portion should be in the middle, the short one to the West, and the middle one on the East. And I'm not sure I like the the shape, I'm having a hard time seeing how each chunk is going to fit and interface with each other. It should look cool IRL though, I think the way each section casts shadows across the other with the recesses will make it look a bit more dynamic and less bulky.

I would almost like to see a smooth, curved look as opposed to the angled look, it would fit with Aqua better.


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as opposed to this:

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And with the highest portion, continue the contour, even just a skeleton, and have a spire that adds 200' or so.
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