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Old Posted May 21, 2014, 5:14 AM
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chris08876 chris08876 is offline
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529 Broadway

What it will replace:

The two story structure.

Located in the Soho Cast Iron Historic District, 529 Broadway was under the watchful eye of the Landmarks Preservation Commission. The new structure replaces a two-story remnant of the Prescott Hotel that was re-clad in the 1980s, destroying any semblance of the original. “A big hurdle was to convince the commissioners that the existing two-story building was not contributing as much as our new building would,” said Poisson. The project was approved with glowing reviews in September 2013. “We’re gaining confidence with each approval that building in a historic district is a wonderful opportunity to tell a story.”

BKSK is currently finishing up construction documents for the project, but a start date has not yet been set. The developer is sensitive to the needs of the existing tenants on the property. Once demolition gets underway, the new 529 Broadway is expected to be complete within 18 months.
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