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Old Posted Jun 3, 2013, 7:19 AM
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Spantik Spantik is offline
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Do you guys really think that muslims would be "insulted" by this? I'm sure they're extremely proud of it. After all, the whole building is designed around glorifying their god, just look at the crescent moon at the top and the "allah akbar" written on its clock face. It just does it in a sort of... tacky way (to us), but whatever, the sheer size of the thing is incredible and lends to this glorification. Verticality naturally inspires heavenly thoughts, for example in cathedrals, and they're just doing their own take on that in a way.

You can almost imagine all of the Muslims leaving Mecca after visiting the Kabbah and going "Did you see that huge building looming over us the whole time?! That thing was incredible!" Most of them have probably never seen anything like it before unless they live in cities with supertalls, which many do, but those are the definite minority when looking at the group as a whole, and if it's your first time seeing a supertall, it's hard for it to not have an impact on you.

Is it innovative? It's arguable, but only tenuously for the 'pro' side. Is it awe inspiringly huge? Absolutely. As for taste.... opinions opinions...

Islam rejects all western culture, it's in its nature, and this building is a perfect example of that, hence the reason why most of us can't stand it. Even if you wanted to go see the building and try to be fair in your judgment of it, if you're not a muslim, you're not getting in, and that's exactly how they want it. This is for them and their god - not for the world of architecture, and CERTAINLY not for us.