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Old Posted Mar 9, 2013, 1:07 AM
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Hollywood Graham Hollywood Graham is offline
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Originally Posted by belmont bob View Post
Ah yes, the Saturday kids matinee. We used to go to the old Ramona Theater on Sunset near Alvarado every Saturday. Two full length movies, three serials, five cartoons, soda, candy and popcorn all for 50 cents. And all the noise you could ever want to hear from an auditorium full of kids. And the poor manager would have to stop the show about once a month and threaten to send us all home if we didn’t stop throwing the folded flat popcorn boxes at the screen. The only thing wrong with this photo is the mom standing in line…I don’t remember parents ever brave enough to go to this performance! Yup, the good old days. BTW, these good old days were 1951, 52 and 53. There was also the Hollyway Theater that was on Sunset near Echo Park, but that was truned into a bank sometime about 1950.
I was there every sat. unless I got a buck from my father then it was off to Hollywood on the Red Car to go to some of the "expensive" movies. Usually walked home to Silverlake, sometimes we rode our bikes. The serials were what I remember most about going to the Ramona. Later a friend became an usher there, that must have been fun.
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