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Old Posted Oct 9, 2012, 5:12 PM
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Okayyou Okayyou is offline
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Great read Mayday. Thanks for including the extra info. I'm with Toyota, I think we could use some fresh questions.

How about 'summing up your style in one photo' being replaced with 'show us your favorites'. People already ignore the question since it is nearly impossible to express your style in one shot.

The inspirations and influences still works well.

The 'where have you not been' question is a little forced. I guess everyone has places they would like to go but I'm not sure why the question is restricted to location. 'What events would you like to shoot?' 'What genres of photography would you like to explore?' Time of day, time of year, how does this affect your shots?' Where would you like to be in the future?

I like the photothread questions but some photographers here don't make threads. This could be changed to what shots/threads have been most successful/unsuccessful.

The tips or wisdom could be expanded. I feel the current level of questions do very little to explore the motives and experience of the interviewee. The thread is called getting to know your SSP photographers. I think we should ask questions that do just that.

Why do you like photography? What are your greatest weaknesses as a photographer? How are you currently constrained in the field? What are your major annoyances? How does photography fit into the rest of your life?
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