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Old Posted May 2, 2012, 2:20 AM
WildCowboy WildCowboy is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 527
Nice to see the Pitco portion of that warehouse coming down. Can't wait for the rest of those two warehouses to come down too to set the stage for shifting the remainder of Channel inland and getting the rest of the street grid laid down.

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned in this thread and I'm too lazy to go hunting through to check, but UCSF is moving forward with a roughly 250,000 sf building on Block 25 A, basically the northeast corner of 16th and 4th where there is a small entry plaza currently surrounded by parking lot and a long history of construction trailers for the various UCSF projects over the years. The new building will serve as faculty offices for doctors at the hospital, as well as providing space for UCSF to consolidate some of its leased space around town such as the operations at China Basin.

I believe they're soliciting design-build proposals right now.
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