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Old Posted Jan 6, 2012, 6:42 PM
Don098 Don098 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Rosslyn, VA
Posts: 1,179
Please God get this damn thing built before they pull the plug. I've always worried about the cost of this, and how this country only cares about that above ALL else... The NY Post wrote an almost identical article a few months ago; it almost sounds like they're on a crusade to bury this project. The 40,000 to 700,000 commuter comparison has been used before, but it's so misleading because there currently aren't 4 NEW OFFICE TOWERS full of people sitting right on site in addition to the memorial and museum traffic. I've always wondered if this station could be used in the distant future as a high speed rail stop with the other New York stop at one of Midtown's stations...just a thought.

Last edited by Don098; Jan 6, 2012 at 6:53 PM.
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